Public Poster Program II (16 / march 2018)
God Bless Tiny Tim*, 2 layers silkscreen print on C-MAT 150 gr., 68 x 94 cm. /26.8 x 37 inches, edition 25, signed and numbered, march 2018
please contact gallery for price
OF VELOCITY, silk-screen and off-set printing,
12 hours of music divided into 15 minute intervals, 15 sheets, each 17 1/4 x 15
1/2 inches /44 x 39 cm., overall 56 x 71 inches /142 x 180 cm., series of 48,
each representing 15 minutes of music, 1993
contact gallery for price
40-42, liquitex
on canvas, 13 1/2 x 18 inches /34 x 46 cm., edition of 15, signed and numbered, 1992
contact gallery for price
Tatoueur, artists’
book, offset printing, 16 p., 32 x 25 cm., printed by Cultura, Wetteren. French
version of the poem To the Tattooist written and designed by the artist
in 2010. French translation by Philippe Hunt, edition of 250 numbered copies, 2011
€ 90,-
Tatoueur, deluxe
edition of the
same artists’ book as above, artists’ book in a full cloth box blind-stamped
with the name 'Poem’. Offset printing on Arches paper, full blue calf leather
binding, 16 pages, 32 x 25 cm. (box 33.5 x 26 x 1.6 cm.), printed by Cultura,
Wetteren, limited edition of 7 copies, signed
and numbered, 2011
please contact gallery for price
System of Landor's Cottage. A Pendant to Poe's Last Story, artists’ book, offset
printing. 328 pages, 2 illustrations, 19 x 12.7 cm., printed by Cultura,
Second edition of the same title first published in
1987. With a preface by Rodney Graham and in appendix essays by Jamie Hilder and
Robert Linsley, edition of 600 copies, the cover is printed in 4 distinct colours
to form 4 sets of books numbered from 1 to 150, 2012
€ 32,-
The System of Landor's Cottage. A Pendant to Poe's
Last Story, deluxe
edition of the same book as
above, artists’ book presented
in a box inscribed with
the name ‘VATHEK’, alluding to the 'oriental
tale' of the same title by Wiliam Beckford, an author cited in the original
Edgar Allen Poe short story to which Rodney Graham's novel is appended and
likewise plagiarized by Graham in a passage on pages 104 and 105 of this edition
wherein five pleasure pavilions are described, offset printing on Ingres paper.
328 pages, 2 illustrations, 25 x 18 cm (box: 33.2 x 27.3 x 4 cm.), pinted by
Cultura, Wetteren. Box produced in two different colours: red or green, designed
by Rodney Graham, limited edition of 20 copies, signed and numbered, 2012
please contact gallery for price
the Tattooist,
silkscreen printing on Fabriano paper, 140 x 112 cm., pPrinted by Serigrafia
Kroma, Città di Castello, edition of 20 copies, signed and numbered, 2012
please contact gallery for price
Print version of the poem To the Tattooist first
published by Rodney Graham in 2010. The typesetting and layout is a
reappropriation of the French version Au Tatoueur, the book is here presented in
six successive double pages printed on one broadsheet.